4 Essential Training Tips for a Well-Behaved Dog

Training your dog is one of the most rewarding aspects of pet ownership. A well-trained dog is happier, safer, and more enjoyable to be around. Whether you have a new puppy or an older dog, these five essential training tips will help set you both up for success.

1. Use Positive Reinforcement

Dogs learn best when they’re rewarded for good behavior. Pay your dog in the currency your dog wants to be paid in - not what you want to pay them in. (I.E) Does your dog love working for food? Then yes carry some high value food on you to encourage good behaviour. Does your dog love a game of tug with you? Then reward them for good decisions by playing with you! Does your dog thrive by being petted? Then give affection to encourage behaviour you want to see more of.

Reward them immediately with the currency they want to paid in to build a strong association between the action and the reward.

2. Be Consistent

I will die on this hill; consistency is key in training!! The more you put in, the more you get out. Use the same commands and cues each time so your dog doesn’t get confused. If you allow them on the couch one day and scold them for it the next, they won’t understand what you want. Be consistent to get consistent results.

3. Socialize Early and Often

Exposure to different environments, people, and other dogs helps your pup grow into a well-adjusted adult. Socialization reduces fear-based behaviors and increases confidence. Take them to dog-friendly places and introduce them to new experiences in a controlled, positive and neutral way.

4. Create training “Markers”

Marker training is using a specific word or sound ("marker") to signal to the dog that they have performed a correct behavior, this is immediately followed by a reward (usually food), which reinforces that behavior and makes it more likely to be repeated. The marker precisely pinpoints the exact moment a dog does something right, improving communication and training efficiency. 

Marker training the fastest most effective way to teach your dog new skills and undo behaviours is with marker training; whether thats a YES or with a CLICKER.

“By following these essential training tips, you’ll create a strong bond with your dog while helping them become a well-mannered companion.”

Happy training!

Looking for expert dog training services? Contact us today to give your pup the best start possible!


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